For Immediate Release
Mark Goldberg, 719.532.8436

Turn Classroom Dreams to Reality with California Casualty's $2,500 Academic Award


San Mateo, CA, March 7, 2016 … Whether it's a dream of new books, electronic learning systems or exciting field trips, a $2,500 California Casualty Academic Award can help pay for it.

Recent winner Jennifer C., a 1st grade teacher in Oregon, is purchasing books for a reading room that will benefit all students at her school. Marina S., a Pennsylvania high school talented and gifted support instructor, said the funds will enable her to take more students to plays, musical performances and art exhibits, exposing them to cultural events they will remember for their rest of their lives.

The next deadline for K-12 educators to enter is Friday, March 11, 2016 at

Other past winners include:

  • Holly, kindergarten teacher in Ohio
  • Michelle, 5th grade teacher in California
  • Elaine, high school teacher in California
  • Karen, 3rd grade teacher in Nevada

The $2,500 Academic Award was created to give teachers, who often spend $500 to $1,000 of their own funds each year, a financial break with classroom supplies and materials.

"Instructing our children is a difficult task," said California Casualty Sr. Vice President Mike McCormick. "Helping them to better serve their students is what our 65 year commitment to educators is all about."

Hurry, the deadline for the next Academic Award from California Casualty is March 11. The easy entry form and complete rules can be found at The winner will be announced in April.

Eligibility requires membership in the AEA, CTA, NEA (National Education Association), or referred by a current member of the state NEA affiliate or one of our other participating educator associations including: ACSA, CASE, COSA, KASA, NASA, UAESP or UASSP.

Headquartered in San Mateo, California, with Service Centers in Arizona, Colorado and Kansas, California Casualty provides auto and home insurance to educators, firefighters, law enforcement and nurses across the country. Celebrating 100 years of service, California Casualty has been led by four generations of the Brown family. To learn more about California Casualty, or to request an auto insurance quote, please visit or call 1.800.800.9410.

Enter the Academic Award from California Casualty